Home Forums PPS Members Forum Scans not showing

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    • Mr Frank J. Wilson
      Post count: 7

      I do not know why, but I do not get any scans or images in the Forum. Is this common or just my laptop? Frank

    • Kainnikanada
      Post count: 9

      Here’s a similar question I posted 3 days ago that remains unanswered:

      Some of the recent members’ posts refer to images but I am unable to see any. Did members neglect to follow the basic upload instructions? …or I am not able to see the entire post?

      Sometimes when reviewing my initial post I note the appended/attached images are either corrupted, not all there or some type of text (referring to the uploaded image) has superseded some of them.

      Is this a bug in this website or a host problem?

      • Richard Muller
        Post count: 19

        Let’s all take a deep breath here. Yes, your comment was posted 3 days ago. I simply can’t answer your query on my own (which is a good point). I have passed in on to our web developer and am awaiting his reply – which I will post when I have more information.

        My It skills are limited indeed and there is one person (yours truly) looking after the entire website. Plus I am managing the journal. You know what – one of these days I might even have some time look at my collection.

        I would be delighted to pass on the website management to any member who has more skills than me (which wouldn’t take much!). Or perhaps someone might like to take over the journal – I’m happy to share.

        So, please be patient – please keep your comments coming (I also want to make this site better) and don’t hesitate to help with the website if you can.

        Making posts – see the post from May 1″How to Make a New Post in the Forum” – done by the developer though posted in my name. Images can be uploaded, yes, it can be fiddly and sometimes I have to try to upload more than once before the first effort goes through.


      • Richard Muller
        Post count: 19

        Let’s all take a deep breath here. Yes, your comment was posted 3 days ago. I simply can’t answer your query on my own (which is a good point). I have passed in on to our web developer and am awaiting his reply – which I will post when I have more information.

        My It skills are limited indeed and there is one person (yours truly) looking after the entire website. Plus I am managing the journal. You know what – one of these days I might even have some time look at my collection.

        I would be delighted to pass on the website management to any member who has more skills than me (which wouldn’t take much!). Or perhaps someone might like to take over the journal – I’m happy to share.

        So, please be patient – please keep your comments coming (I also want to make this site better) and don’t hesitate to help with the website if you can.

        Making posts – see the post from May 16 “How to Make a New Post in the Forum” – done by the developer though posted in my name. Images can be uploaded, yes, it can be fiddly and sometimes I have to try to upload more than once before the first effort goes through.


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