Home Forums PPS Members Forum Updating the reverse watermarks found on the Lakatoi Lithograph issue SG47/83

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    • Mr M
      Post count: 3

      G’day everyone now and going forward.

      This forum is designed as a living one. when ever anyone discovers a possible reverse watermark please post here so that as a group we can help examine possible new discoveries and continually update the spread sheet attached.

      For members that are not up to speed a reverse watermark is when the stamps were printed on Crown over Double lined A paper with the stamp picture being printed on the watermarked side of the paper is the easiest way of describing it.

      I you look from the gum side of the stamp and always hold the crown to the top regardless of watermark orientation and if the double line is on the right hand side below the crown then its reversed and very rare.

      I have updated my register as at 20/4/17 with the latest discovery by another well know PPS member of an SG06a 2½d Perf 11 Pale-ultramarine Upright Inverted Reversed Used.

      Hope this thread helps in the future of the society.

      Cheers Robbo

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Mr M. Reason: Sorry trying to upload pictures and spread sheet, Picture are loaded yet doesnt like spread sheets so I will have to print it and scan it to load, Richard is it posible to upload Word docs ?
    • Mr M
      Post count: 3

      Scanned spread sheet attached.

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