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    • Richard Muller
      Post count: 19

      We were saddened to hear that John Leah passed away in mid-November. His health had not been the best and it simply caught up with him. Our thoughts are with his partner, Robyn.

      He was a true gentleman, had spent some years working in PNG, was a fabulous story-teller (and some of his tales were actually true!), passionate about philately and a great friend of our Society. He was truly one-of-a-kind and will be missed.

      As you may be aware, John put together our journal, PNG Calling. We supplied the material, he provided the layout, design and those endearing add-ons that made it a unique philatelic publication. Robyn has indicated that she intends to keep the ASP (Australian Stamp Professional) going, with our journal included in the magazine. You will understand if the next issue is delayed (regret I can’t give you any sort of time-line).

      I’ll post any further information as it comes to hand.

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