Active 5 years, 11 months ago
I may have a copy of the Morobe postmark on cover dated 11NO15. Is that possible? View
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The number of postal items identified from Baniara can be counted on one hand, so it surprises me the need for a postal bag seal. In saying that, Roger Lee states mail from Baniara was probably bagged up (with possible use of a wax seal) and processed at Samarai or Buna Bay.
Obviously rare, but as to value…….no idea!
It is also possible a wax seal example could also have been supplied per favour at a later time.QEII-for-PPS a24-1-scaled a24-scaled Bird-Paradise-Logo 2020-Feb-pdf 1957 Oct 5 1957 Sept 3 iPhoto-1 iPhoto CCI20102014 IMG_20181117_0001 img473 Seals-Woodlarks-B.N.G.-02 Seals-Baniara-P-N.G.-02 HEC-Robinson-00-01 PNGcalling-icon Ad-Papua-Society GNG20-23 P090.8AU__-01.120.015type4-2400 P090._60520-01.105C. P090.______-02.122.054type5 P090.001109-01.126a.001 NWPI-Multiple-01-2017-03-28-2400-02-RE2 PPS_background stamp_footer old-paper border_bottom border_image border_top books-32522_640 Papuan-Philatelic-Society_Logo_Banner_2rev1d Papuan-Philatelic-Society_Logo_Banner_New_3-01 -
The Melbourne group’s 25 August 17 display is exactly this subject, but all on cover.
QEII-for-PPS a24-1-scaled a24-scaled Bird-Paradise-Logo 2020-Feb-pdf 1957 Oct 5 1957 Sept 3 iPhoto-1 iPhoto CCI20102014 IMG_20181117_0001 img473 Seals-Woodlarks-B.N.G.-02 Seals-Baniara-P-N.G.-02 HEC-Robinson-00-01 PNGcalling-icon Ad-Papua-Society GNG20-23 P090.8AU__-01.120.015type4-2400 P090._60520-01.105C. P090.______-02.122.054type5 P090.001109-01.126a.001 NWPI-Multiple-01-2017-03-28-2400-02-RE2 PPS_background stamp_footer old-paper border_bottom border_image border_top books-32522_640 Papuan-Philatelic-Society_Logo_Banner_2rev1d Papuan-Philatelic-Society_Logo_Banner_New_3-01
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